October  2012 22
研究論文Research Articles
該走或該留?探討人力資本、社會學習與 公關實務工作者的離職意圖之關係
Should I Stay or should I Go? A Study of Relationships of Human Capital and Social Learning with Intentions to Leave in Public Relations
作者 陳憶寧
Author Yi-Ning Katherine CHEN Abstract
關鍵詞 人力資本、公關實務工作者、社會學習理論、專業特質認 知、意圖離職因素
Keywords human capital, intent to leave, professional attributes, public relations practitioners, social learning theory
摘要 本研究以150名公關人員為對象,探討人力資本、專業特質認知、職涯承諾與離職之關係。研究結果顯示人力資本中,教育程度越高,越不可能因薪資、成長空間、地位與友善環境而離職;公關年資越長,越不可能因成長空間與友善環境離職。工作時數是唯一正向預測離職考量的人力資本變項,但只正面預測彈性工時。由社會學習的專業特質認知上,越重視影響力,越不可能因為薪資而離職,但卻可能為成長空間而離職。越重視生活品質則越不會因薪資、地位而離職。越重視工作聲望,越會因薪資與地位離職。職涯承諾較強者,越不會因薪資、地位與友善環境而離職,離職意圖也較弱。總而言之,經由社會學習而來對於公關工作的認知較人力資本較能預測離職原因與離職意圖。
Abstract This study investigated 150 public relations practitioners to examine the relationships among human capital, job attributes, career commitment, and intentions to leave the profession in Taiwan. The findings indicate that people with more education are less likely to leave the profession for compensation, growth and advancement, social status, or a friendly work place. Years worked in the profession negatively predict leaving for growth and advancement or a friendly work place. Working hours per week positively predict leaving for more flexible working hours. People who place a high value on their influence at work are less likely to leave for compensation, but more likely to leave for growth and advancement. Work-life balance negatively predicts leaving for compensation and status. However, people who value job prestige are more likely to leave for compensation and status. Career commitment negatively predicts leaving the profession for compensation, status, or a friendly workplace. People with stronger commitment also have less intention to leave. Taken together, social learning on job variables better predicts reasons to leave and intentions to leave than do human capital variables.


陳憶寧(2012)。〈該走或該留?探討人力資本、社會學習與公關實務工作者的離職意圖之關係〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁159–186。

Citation of this article:

Chen, Y. N. K. (2012). Should I stay or should I go? A study of relationships of human capital and social learning with intentions to leave in public relations. Communication & Society, 22, 159–186.
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