October  2012 22
研究論文Research Articles
對話理論與網絡危機溝通: 一個探索性的研究
Dialogue Theory of Public Relations and Internet Crisis Communication— An Exploratory Study
作者 吳宜蓁、葉玫萱
Author Yi-Chen WU, Mei-Hsuan YEH
關鍵詞 對話溝通理論、危機溝通、社交媒體、電腦中介傳播
Keywords dialogue theory, crisis communication, social media, computermediated communication
摘要 如何運用網絡社交媒體於危機溝通,在企業界及學界都是尚待了解的新課題。本研究以「對話溝通理論」為架構,探討三個研究問題:一、企業面臨危機衝擊時,如何運用官方網頁和社交媒體與民眾溝通?二、這些溝通的作法,是否符合對話溝通理論的原則?三、企業的溝通作法,與產業別、危機類型或危機反應速度是否有關?本研究以六個月的時間,記錄台灣媒體報導的企業危機事件,並逐一分析這些企業在危機後的網絡回應情況。研究結果發現,在危機後的黃金24小時之內即以官網或社交媒體進行危機溝通的比例,達到七成以上;不過,企業在「資訊實用性」和「提供對話迴路」等危機溝通最需要做到的項目上,尚未符合對話溝通理論的要求。對話溝通表現與「產業別」及「危機類型」(突發vs漸進)無顯著相關。「危機反應速度」則與對話溝通理論中的「對話迴路」程度有顯著相關─反應速度快的企業,在對話迴路的表現也會比較好。本研究並從這些研究結果出發,對後續研究提出一些可行的發展方向。
Abstract The social media revolution has brought about new research tasks in the field of crisis communication. Using the Dialogue Theory of Public Relations (DTPR) as a framework, this study explores the extent to which social media is employed by corporate organizations during crisis events. The three research questions presented for examination are: (1) How do the corporate organizations communicate with the public on official websites and social media?; (2) Does the use of social media fit the suggestions of the DTPR?; and, (3) What are the relationships between social media use and industrial category, crisis type, and crisis response speed? Data were collected in two stages. Firstly, information about crisis events was collected by observing the three most-read online news sites in Taiwan. The collection period was from April 1, 2010 to September 30, 2010, on a daily basis. Secondly, after crisis events were discovered in news coverage, corporate responses were observed on official websites and social media. The online response speed was measured by the time when the official responses shown on the corporate websites or social media networks after a crisis occurred.

The findings indicate that a majority of the sample corporations (74.7%) show prompt online crisis communication during the first 24 hours. However, most of those cases do not demonstrate dialogue characteristics in their crisis responses, as suggested by DTPR. Industrial category and crisis type are not significantly correlated to dialogue communication performance. Corporations with faster crisis response times tend to perform better in their online dialogic feedback loops. Suggestions for practices as well as for future studies are provided.


吳宜蓁、葉玫萱(2012)。〈對話理論與網絡危機溝通─一個探索性的研究〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁95–134。

Citation of this article:

Wu, Y. C., & Yeh, M. H. (2012). Dialogue theory of public relations and internet crisis communication—An exploratory study. Communication & Society, 22, 95–134.
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