October  2012 22
研究論文Research Articles
制度性資本、非制度性資本與社會衝突性 議題的傳播─以國內四起環境維權事件 為案例
Institutional Capital, Non-institutional Capital and Media coverage of Social Issues: Taking Four Environmental Events for Examples
作者 夏倩芳、袁光鋒、陳 科
Author Qian-Fang, XIA Guang-Feng, YUAN Ke CHEN
關鍵詞 制度性社會資本、非制度性社會資本、衝突性議題、縫隙間 的傳播機會
Keywords institutional social capital, non-institutional social capital, conflict issues, media coverage, opportunities in cracks
摘要 本文選取國內的四起環境衝突性事件為分析案例,從社會資本理論的視角切入,考察社會衝突性議題傳播的邏輯機制。基於中國的本土經驗,我們將社會資本劃分為「制度性社會資本」與「非制度性社會資本」。制度性資本與非制度性資本的運作基礎是分裂的威權主義政體,其間條條塊塊的矛盾為兩種社會資本的運作提供了空間。從總體上看,制度性資本對於傳播發揮着關鍵性作用,它是阻礙衝突性議題傳播的主導性力量。但它也能夠以行政層面的「上級壓力」、合法性意義上的官方話語等方式讓媒體的報導規避風險,並可能促使議題衝破地域性的限制,形成全國性的輿論,進而促進事件的解決。非制度性社會資本以社會空間中非結構化的關係網絡為運作形式,以政體的內部分裂、社會空間的釋放、媒體專業主義取向等為運作基礎。在制度性資本匱乏的情況下,公眾如果能夠擁有足夠強大的非制度性資本和有效的策略,能夠連結到制度性資本,也可能爭取到縫隙間的傳播機會。這在很大程度上解釋了中國大陸新聞專業主義的權宜性和「碎片化」。
Abstract Four environmental events were investigated with regard to the logic mechanism of social issues’ media coverage from the perspective of Social Capital Theory. We divide social capital into “institutional social capital” and “non-institutional social capital” in accordance with China’s own experiences. In general, institutional capital, which dominates the obstruction of conflict issues’ exposure, plays a pivotal role in media coverage. However, institutional capital is also able to prevent risks for media reports by using the so-called higher authorities’ pressure from the administrative level, and the official discourse in a legality sense, etc., and possibly assists the issues breaking through regional limitations and molding public opinion, which will finally lead to the settling down of events. On the other hand, non-institutional capital operates through unstructured relationship networks in social space, and is based on disruption within the regime, the release of social space, and the professionalism orientation of the media, etc. In the absence of institutional capital, if noninstitutional capital public by the possessed was powerful enough, and their strategies could effectively link to institutional capital, they would be able to gain media exposure. This explains the expediency and fragmentation of the Chinese journalistic professionalism to a large extent.


夏倩芳、袁光鋒、陳科(2012)。〈制度性資本、非制度性資本與社會衝突性議題的傳播─以國內四起環境維權事件為案例〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第22 期,頁21–66。

Citation of this article:

Xia, Q. F., Yuan, G. F., & Chen, K. (2012). Institutional capital, non-institutional capital and media coverage of social issues: Taking four environmental events for examples. Communication & Society, 22, 21–66
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