January  2012 19
傳播論壇Communication Forum
《香港廿二春—師奶列傳》 —紀錄片作為研究方法的反思
Audio Visual Documentary as a Research Tool —A Methodological Reconsideration
作者 何式凝
Author Sik Ying HO
摘要 本期的「視覺文本」,是何式凝教授「廿二春─香港婦女研究」項目的另一次文字/影像的對話及詮釋。作者闡述研究背景,並反思紀錄片作為研究方法的有效性、可靠性及被訪者的主體性;而九張的紀錄片影像輯錄,則展開平凡女性對婚姻、愛情、生活的多重詮釋及論述。
Abstract This issue of Text Image introduces Professor Ho’s project on featuring the lived experiences of middle aged women in Hong Kong. By embedding the researcher’s own subjectivity in the process of narration, Ho reflects on the issues of validity, trustworthiness and informants’ subjectivity when audio visual documentation is involved as a methodological articulation.


何式凝(2012)。〈《香港廿二春─師奶列傳》─紀錄片作為研究方法的反思〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第19 期,頁217–230。

Citation of this article:

Ho, S. Y. (2012). Audio Visual Documentary as a Research Tool—A Methodological Reconsideration. Communication & Society, 19, 217–230.
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