January  2012 19
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Internet Public Relations: Current Status, Research and Prospects
作者 黃懿慧
Author Yi-Hui Christine HUANG
關鍵詞 公共關係、網路公共關係、網際網路、後設研究、公共關係研究
Keywords public relations, Internet, Internet public relations, meta-analysis, public relations research
摘要 本研究針對美國及台灣1998至2007年十年間,以網路公共關係為主題發表的論文進行後設研究,旨於探討網路公共關係的現況與發展,描繪網路公共關係研究圖像,並提出未來研究展望。


Abstract Adopting a meta-analysis research method, this paper provides a picture of current public relations research focusing on Internet public relations over the past ten years. This study extends the line of research by suggesting future research directions. Although the importance of the Internet on public relations dexterity is widely acknowledged, a large number of organizations have not yet fully adopted its uses or realized its effectiveness, regardless of whether they are based in Western countries or the Far East. Some simply have not “caught up.” Given the more advanced characteristics of Internet communication, organizations tend to focus more on one-way, corporation-controlled, and organization-oriented communications rather than on two-way, public-oriented, real-time, multimedia, interactive, and symmetrical communications. Moreover, the effects of the Internet on organization-public relations have manifested in the following notable respects: an inverse power relationship between organizations and their public, an enhanced mobilization ability on the part of the public, an increase in the number of inactive and one-issue members of the public, and a difficulty in communication resulting from the anonymity inherent in some Internet avenues.


黃懿慧(2012)。〈網路公共關係:研究圖像與理論模式建構〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第19 期,頁181–216。

Citation of this article:

Huang, Y. H. C. (2012). Internet Public Relations: Current Status, Research and Prospect. Communication & Society, 19, 181–216.
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