January 2012 |
19 |
專輯論文Special Issue Articles |
媒體市場區域化下被錯置的文化消費與 生產?─台灣「鄉土劇」在中國大陸 |
Trans-border Cultural Consumption and Production: Exploring Mainland Chinese Audiences’ Reception of Taiwanese Hsiang-Tu-Ju (Unforgettable) |
作者 |
程紹淳 |
Author |
Shao-Chun CHENG |
關鍵詞 |
鄉土劇、台灣本土意識、「跨界電視」、大中華區域媒體市 場、《意難忘》 |
Keywords |
Hsiang-Tu-Ju (Unforgettable), the Greater China regional media market, trans-border TV drama, Taiwanese nativism |
摘要 |
本論文針對台灣民視於2004年至2006年,所播出的8點檔「鄉土劇」《意難忘》,在被央視引進中國大陸市場後,引發收視熱潮的例子,來探討在媒體市場區域化之後,強調本土文化色彩的電視文本,如何成為「跨界電視」(transborder television)後,在不同的族群文化脈絡下被消費解讀;同時亦將探討強調本土文化色彩的影視產業,應該採取何種策略,在強調區域化與全球化的文化生產脈絡中,繼續生存營運。
Abstract |
With the development of media market regionalization, trans-border television exchange (including the flow of programming, talent, producers, and funding across the nation-state’s border) seems a normal trend. However, when a trans-border TV drama becomes a popular hit show in another society, the reasons became much more complicated. This article, which employs a case study, aims to explore how the Mainland Chinese audience interpret and enjoy Unforgettable, the longest prime-time drama serial in Taiwan’s TV history. This serial was exported to and aired in Mainland China by CCTV as an imported drama, and unexpectedly gathered a huge fervent following of fans. To understand the reasons why this trans-border TV drama enjoyed such an unexpected success within Mainland China’s unemployed middle-aged housewives and the elderly, who are this show’s target audiences, the researcher employs a multi-methodological approach to search for an answer. This includes a focus group discussion in Beijing, in-depth interviews with this drama’s target audiences in China, TV industry resources both in CCTV and FTV, and the immense reading of opinions posted on Mainland Chinese fan websites and China’s news reports.
Unforgettable belongs to a unique dramatic genre called Hsiang-Tu-Ju, best known for using Hokkien as the language and emphasizing Taiwan nativism to appeal to Taiwanese audiences. The first part of this article employs a generic analysis to explain the characteristics of Hsiang-Tu-Ju, such as its origin and special generic elements, especially its close relationship with Chinese melodrama. The second part investigates the future development of this nativist dramatic genre in the Greater China regional media market as a cultural product, and how to explain the compromise of this drama’s Taiwanese nativist consciousness and Chinese audience’s passionate reception.
In the end, the author argues that because the drama could satisfy its target audiences’ “melodramatic imaginations” (Ang, 1985), producing pleasure and meaning in their boring everyday lives, it can easily provide their emotional fulfillment and make them become loyal viewers. Furthermore, the “cultural proximity” between Mainland China and Taiwan makes this trans-border TV drama easily interpreted and understood by Mainland Chinese audiences, so it can attract a huge following of fans without any difficulty. This is another reason that contributes to Unforgettable becoming such a phenomenon in recent years on Mainland China’s small screens.
程紹淳(2012)。〈媒體市場區域化下被錯置的文化消費與生產?─台灣「鄉土劇」在中國〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第19 期,頁141–180。
Citation of this article:
Cheng, S. C. (2012). Trans-border Cultural Consumption and Production: Exploring Mainland Chinese Audiences’ Reception of Taiwanese Hsiang-Tu-Ju (Unforgettable). Communication & Society, 19,141–180.
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