January  2012 19
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
愛情的想像─中國熱播愛情劇的 文本演變與受眾的解讀偏好
Love Imagination—The Evolution of the Text of Chinese Romantic Drama and Audience Interpretation
作者 吳紅雨
Author Hongyu WU
關鍵詞 愛情劇、想像、日常生活、解讀
Keywords romantic drama, imagination, daily life, interpretation
摘要 本研究探討熱播愛情劇,在當今社會如何制約和建構年輕觀眾對愛情的認識和理解?從上個世紀九十年代開始至今,熱播電視劇中對愛情的呈現發生了怎樣的轉變?對受眾尤其是八十、九十後的婚戀觀念產生怎樣實質性的影響?他們是如何解讀並詮釋電視劇的文本意義的?本文採用文本分析與深度訪談的方法,一方面揭示導演、編劇在創作文本中愛情想像的演繹變化過程,另一方面以30位年輕人的深度訪談,探討了觀看愛情劇產生的影響。研究結果有二:第一,愛情電視劇的文本敍事已走向全面日常化,甚至傾向於發展成為關於愛情主題的談話節目,永恒的愛情故事遭遇解構性顛覆;第二,無論是接受青春偶像劇的女生還是認同現實主義題材愛情劇的男生,他們更偏好於將愛情置於現實情境中解讀。
Abstract In recent years, especially since 2006, the rise of the quantity of romantic drama has led to a new trend that the young audience watches TV series on the Internet. This new way of TV viewing has changed the make-up of television audiences that were predominantly middle-aged and older. Young people are also accustomed to expressing their views and suggestions while watching television on the Internet, which did not happen with traditional audiences.

In China, more and more students in middle school or universities use networks to watch idol drama from around the world. With the rapid economic development and the acceleration of modernization in China, People’s traditional concept of love is undergoing great changes. A lot of romantic film and television drama attract audience to watching through reflecting this process of transform. In China, no era like the present has so many diversity of interpretation of love, and the complicated reality lead the young generation to think more about the issue of love.

Based on theoretical concepts of Hollywood romantic movies and aesthetic theory, this study aims at exploring audience knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and actions regarding romantic drama. Specifically, the study is designed to address the following questions:

(1) How does the meaning produced when audience watching TV drama? And how does the producer represent their views of love and marriage?

(2) How does a TV series build and confine the audience’s construction of love?

(3) From the1990s to today, what does the representation of love changed in romantic dramas?

(4) What drives these changes?

This study researches how romantic drama is constructed and expresses people’s values and ideals of love. Additionally, we look at how does this structure and expression reflect a certain kind of conjuncture in the development of romantic drama, the degree of understanding of the audience, and to what extent the audience accept and practice what they see. This paper uses narrative analysis and interviews to reveal the process how the directors and screenwriters change their ideas about love when they create the text since 1990s. We also explore the impact on the audience who watch the Chinese romantic drama through in-depth interviews.

The study finds two major results. First, romantic drama has tried to express real life, and might even develop into a kind of reality show which ignores the episode, the story itself, but emphasizing the fragmental scene, the interesting dialog. The classic paradigm of love story encounters subversive deconstruction. Second, both the girls who like to watch idol drama and the boys who prefer to watch realistic drama place love in real situations and no longer believe in eternal love as in the past.


吳紅雨(2012)。〈愛情的想像─中國熱播愛情劇的文本演變與受眾的解讀偏好〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第19 期,頁105–140。

Citation of this article:

Wu, H. (2012). Love Imagination—The Evolution of the Text of Chinese Romantic Drama and Audience Interpretation. Communication & Society, 19, 105–140.
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