January  2012 19
The Forefront of Television Studies
作者 對談人:托比.米勒(Toby Miller)、馮應謙 統 稿:馮應謙 翻 譯:譚麗珊、張瀟瀟
Author Discussants: Toby MILLER, Anthony Y. H. FUNG Editor: Anthony Ying Him FUNG Translator: Lisa Lai Shan TAM, Xiaoxiao ZHANG
摘要 「我認為人們在其思維中越來越多地把電視和其他媒體聯繫起來,這理應如此。我所擔心的是很多新媒體研究忘記或忽視電視,正如文學研究過去關注電影,現今關注互聯網,而未曾留意廣播或電視。在主題方面,我希望我們能認真審視電視機及節目生產的環境,並能夠致力於電視對環境生態影響的考察。」
Abstract This is the transcript of an interview with a distinguished professor in media and cultural studies, Toby Miller. He shares his views on the changing role of television and its relationships with other forms of communication media, the changing development of television viewership in different countries and the expansion of media giants in emerging markets. He suggests that despite the popularity of new media nowadays, television is still influential, and television viewership is still rising in some regions. At the same time, television is taking up new forms around the world whereas transnational television corporations might lead to new exploitation in developing countries.


馮應謙(2012)。〈電視研究的前沿思索〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第19 期,頁1–26。

Citation of this article:

Fung, A. Y. H. (Ed.). (2012). The Forefront of Television Studies. Communication & Society, 19, 1–26.
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