January  2009 7
專輯序言Special Issue Preface
Transborder Perspective as a Theoretical Tool: Introduction to the Special Issue on Transborder Movies
作者 馬傑偉、陳韜文
Author MA Kit Wai, Eric, Joseph M. CHAN
關鍵詞 文化全球化、跨境視角、影像文化
Keywords cultural globalization, transborder perspective, visual culture
摘要 本專輯嘗試以中國跨境電影為案例,引入跨境視角,並將文化生產、消費,及社會實踐,引進到文化全球化的討論中。跨境這個既微觀亦具宏觀的視角,提供了重要的線索,以解釋影像文化如何在高度現代性的消費社會中,串聯新興已發展城市,再傳到多個渴望擠身現代城市生活的發展中國家。
Abstract Using the distribution of large-budget films in China as a basis of analysis, this special issue tries to propose a transborder perspective as a tool for theoretical advancements in cultural globalization. Transborder exchange is conceptualized as a crucial nexus in which visual cultures from around the world have been actively captured, localized and repackaged. Patterns of transborder flows will provide a small but significant link in understanding the visual and social interplay between different societies in global capitalism.
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