July  2007 3
Where to Now for Communication Studies in Chinese Societies
作者 陳國明
Author CHEN Guo-Ming
關鍵詞 中華傳播學門、概念層次的建立、應用層次的建立、未來的挑戰
Keywords discipline of Chinese communication studies, conceptual and application issues, future challenges
摘要 華人傳播學教育與研究政治轉型之時,更是面臨如何建立一個學門的挑戰時刻。本文以中華傳播學往何處去為題,從中華傳播學發展沿革、中華傳播學門的建立、以及中華傳播學未來的挑戰三個面向,分析建立中華傳播學門的正當性與迫切性,提出建立中華傳播學門的理念與方法的建議,並且說明建立中華傳播學門所面對的未來挑戰。
Abstract It is critical time for scholars and educators in Chinese societies to establish communication studies as an academic discipline. In order to provide directions for the future development of communication studies in Chinese societies, this paper first delineates a short history of Chinese communication studies to justify the need for developing communication studies as an academic discipline.

Directions are then proposed from the perspectives of conceptual and application levels. Finally, future challenges, including close-mindedness vs. openness of a discipline and the impact of new technology development, are described.
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