July  2007 3
Public Service Broadcasting at its Crossroads: A Political Model of Radio Hong Kong’s Evolution
作者 梁麗娟
Author Grace L. K. LEUNG
關鍵詞 公共廣播、編輯自主、香港電台、再國有化
Keywords public service broadcasting, editorial independence, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), re-nationalization
摘要 在資訊爆炸的千禧年代,有八十年曆史的公共廣播普遍而面對同樣危機:觀眾流失,獨特性消失,經費消減及科技轉變帶來壓力,可謂四面楚歌。回歸十年,香港的公共廣播卻面對特殊的政治及經濟環境改變,政治因素凌駕其他因素主導公共廣播的發展。本文嘗試追溯政府角色如何影響香港公共廣播的發展,特別過往十年香港公共廣播的主要機構香港電台如何夾在地區與中央的矛盾、作為官方組織或民間輿論平台的夾縫中擺動:在追求獨立自主與再國有化的壓力下,未來香港電台可有的出路等,嘗試提供一個有別於國際公共廣播系統的參考藍本。
Abstract Public service broadcasting systems around the world face similar crises of declining audience share, erosion of public broadcasting identity, function overlaps with the commercial broadcasters, reduction of public funding and operation pressures arising from the digital transformation process. The public

service broadcasting appears to be losing out in the burgeoning multi-media environment. In most countries, public service broadcasting is shaped by economic and technological factors. In contrast, political factors are at work in the case of Hong Kong. This article analyses the changing role of the Hong Kong Government in the development of public service broadcasting by examining the

evolution of the city’s quasi-public service broadcaster, the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). This paper argues that RTHK is located in the centre of multi-layered political conflicts. These include conflicts arising from the “centrallocal” politics, incompatibility between an undemocratic government and the civil society; and tensions between the government desire of “re-nationalization” and the broadcaster’s efforts to maintain editorial independence. This article also evaluates the future development of RTHK, and discusses how Hong Kong provides a unique model of public broadcasting in developed areas.
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