July  2007 3
Strategic Interaction, Cultural Co-orientation, and Press Freedom in Hong Kong
作者 李立峯
Author LEE Lap Fung Francis
關鍵詞 新聞自由、策略互動、文化共向、國家/本土衝突、自我審查
Keywords Press freedom, strategic interaction, cultural co-orientation, national-local conflicts, self-censorship
摘要 本研究討論新聞自由在香港回歸後的變遷。在九七後頭數年,傳媒與當權者在一個既定而被雙方共同接受的框架下進行策略互動。形成了一個相對平衡的狀態,新聞自由似乎沒有明顯的喪失。這平衡狀態得以保持,主因之一是政治和公共議題上有清晰的國家和本土的分界線。同時隨著回歸而來的文化共向,亦進一步見地一些重大國家事務(如台灣問題)的敏感程度。不過,自從2003年之後,香港的社會和政局發展打破了國家和本土的分界,原本的平衡狀態被推翻,新聞自由亦要面對新的挑戰和威脅。
Abstract This article discusses press freedom in Hong Kong since the handover. It argues that in the immediate years after reunification, the strategic interaction between the media and the power holders within a commonly accepted framework has contributed to an “equilibrium condition” in which there was no

huge and apparent loss of press freedom. The equilibrium was maintained by a clear distinction between national and local issues. At the same time, the handover has led to increased interactions between the Hong Kong media and the Chinese government, as well as between the Hong Kong society and the Mainland at large. It resulted in processes of cultural co-orientation which further “deproblematized” news coverage of certain sensitive national issues. Nevertheless, political developments in recent years have led to the breakdown of the nationallocal boundary. The original equilibrium was destabilized, which led to renewed concerns of press freedom in the city.
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