1. 研究論文:
(1)   字數要求在15千字左右
(2)   來稿須具備文獻綜述、研究問題、研究方法、研究發現、結論討論、參考文獻幾部分
(3)   原則上不接受評述性論文和缺乏理論架構的描述性論文
(4)   來稿須遵守學刊體例及APA體例
2. 學術對談:
3. 傳播論壇:
Content of the Journal
1. Original Research
(1) Manuscripts should be a maximum of 15,000 words in length.
(2) Manuscripts must include the following components: literature review, research question, research method, results, discussion and conclusion, and references.
(3) The journal does not accept commentaries or descriptive articles that lack theoretical structure.
(4) All submitted manuscripts must be formatted in strict accordance with the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition (APA 6th).
2. Academic Dialogue
This column features contributions by leading communication and sociology scholars who are invited to share the experiences and insights gained in their fields of expertise.
3. Communication Forum
This column introduces the latest academic developments in the field of communication and social sciences.


No.70  2024 October
No.69  2024 July
No.68  2024 April
No.67  2024 January
No.66  2023 October
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